Saturday, March 14, 2009

New blog

We are doing a bible study by Beth Moore on the book of Esther at Riverstone Church that is phenomenal! We've just learned that bad-boy Haman plotted to murder all the Jews in Persia but was found out by the king's wife, Esther, who was, unbeknownst to the king, a Jew herself! Oh, fiction couldn't be better than this true story! So because God's finger prints were all over this to save the Jews, it "just so happens" that the night before the king, queen and this little weenie, right-hand man Haman were to have a lavish feast the king has insominia and grabs his favorite book-the one chronicling himself and the history of his reign. There he finds the account of the time that his life had been saved from 2 of his closest guards by none other than Queen Esther's cousin, Mordecai (the Jew), who had raised her since she was orphaned as a young girl. When the king inquired of his servant as to what had been done to reward this Mordecai for such an outstanding deed the servant replied that nothing had been done. By a "stroke of luck" Haman is waiting in the very early hours of the morning when King Xerxes requests another brain to help him decide how to honor the deserving Mordecai...

New blog post on bible study.

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